Bacteria consume waste materials and convert it into safe by products like carbon dioxide and water.
When the waste materials are very complex (such as pond sludge), Bacteria produce enzymes to break it down into simple compounds that the bacteria can digest.
Bacteria contained in Eco-Tabs™ are 100% natural, safe, and non-‐pathogenic. Eco-Tabs bacteria are not genetically engineered or altered in any way.
Bacteria consume phosphates, ammonia, and nitrates which improves water quality. Eco-Tabs™ are environmentally superior and a better solution.
Enzymes are not capable of consuming waste materials, all that they do is convert complex wastes into simple wastes.
Enzymes alone are not sufficient, bacteria are still needed to consume the waste material. An enzyme product only has half the tools necessary to get the job done right!
Enzymes are not necessarily bad for the environment, but they do not have the advantages that bacteria provide.
Enzymes cannot help in removing pollutants and therefore have very limited benefits.
Chemicals are NOT alive and can not reproduce. They can be used to mimic the properties of bacteria or enzymes, but they are mostly environmentally UNFRIENDLY and inefficient.
Chemicals can oxidise sludge and ammonia, but generally only harsh and dangerous chemicals accomplish this Less hazardous chemicals are generally not effective. Chemicals have considerable toxicity issues and are likely to harm fish, wildlife and the general pond health.
Chemicals are hazardous to the environment, and they do not have the advantages that the bacteria provide. Chemicals are simply not environmentally and ecologically friendly.